Failing restore from old Win8 checkpoint
Posted by NiTRo | Filed under Hyper-V, Kb, Tips & Tricks, VMware
Alors que Windows 2012 R2 est officiellement supporté comme GuestOS depuis ESXi 5.0 U1, un changement de la fameuse feature VM-Generation ID rend impossible le vmotion vers un ESXi de version supérieure comme le détail la kb 2033723:
Due to changes in Microsoft’s virtual machine generation counter specification that was introduced in the Windows 8 Release Preview and Windows Server 2012 RC, corresponding changes were also required in the virtual machine BIOS. Snapshots, checkpoints and VMotion actions of virtual machines with these versions of Windows are not compatible between ESXi hosts that have implemented different revisions of Microsoft’s virtual machine generation counter specification.
Snapshots and checkpoints of virtual machines with Windows 8 or Windows Server 2012 that are taken on a host running ESXi 5.0 Update 1 or ESXi 5.0 P03 will not resume on a host running later versions of ESXi ( ESXi 5.0 Update 2, ESXi 5.1, etc.) and the reverse.
VMotion is prevented between hosts running ESXi 5.0 Update 1 or ESXi 5.0 P03 to and from hosts running later versions of ESXi.
2015-11-05T15:01:32.804Z| vmx| I120: DUMPER: Group ‘VMGenCtr’ not found.
2015-11-05T15:01:32.804Z| vmx| I120: CPT: could not find group VMGenCtr
2015-11-05T15:01:32.804Z| vmx| I120: DUMPER: Item ‘AddrReg’ [-1, -1] not found.
2015-11-05T15:01:32.804Z| vmx| I120: DUMPER: Item ‘CtrCount’ [-1, -1] not found.
2015-11-05T15:01:32.804Z| vmx| I120: DUMPER: Item ‘CtrCountX’ [-1, -1] not found.
2015-11-05T15:01:32.804Z| vmx| I120: VMGenCtrCheckpoint: Failing restore from old Win8 checkpoint
2015-11-05T15:01:32.804Z| vmx| I120: [msg.checkpoint.migration.failedReceive] Failed to receive migration.
2015-11-05T15:01:32.804Z| vmx| I120: [msg.checkpoint.mrestoregroup.failed] An error occurred restoring the virtual machine state during migration.
Evidemment la solution proposée par VMware passe par un shutdown de la VM mais lors d’une grosse migration ça fait pas sérieux donc nous avons cherché un vrai workaround.
Sachant que cette feature est exclusivement utilisé par Active Directory Domain Services (pourquoi l’imposer à toutes les VM d’ailleurs ?!), nous avons chercher à la désactiver pour que le resume du vmotion sur l’ESXi de destination ne pose plus de problème. Et pas plus loin que dans une autre kb vmware, nous avons trouvé la solution:
The workaround involving adding the vmGenCounter.enable parameter to the virtual machine .vmx file may cause the new snapshot protection for domain controllers introduced in Windows 8/Windows Server 2012 to stop functioning.
Un petit coup de PowerCLI pour appliquer le setting à chaud :
Get-VM Windows2012R2|Get-View|%{$_.ReconfigVM((New-Object VMware.Vim.VirtualMachineConfigSpec -Property @{extraconfig=@((New-Object VMware.Vim.optionvalue -Property @{Key="vmGenCounter.enable";Value="FALSE"}))}))}
Et le vmotion passe en douceur