VDDK m’as tué
Posted by NiTRo | Filed under News, VMware, veeam
Symantec s’est mangé une bonne déculottée public par Veeam après avoir FUDé via twitter au sujet d’un potentiel bug dans l’API de backup de vSphere 5.1 :
Any vendor claiming support for #vStorage 5.1 API, CANNOT perform consistent backups
Réponse bien précise de veeam :
Our development team wasn’t able to fix these issues but they did realize that separating the VDDK calls into a separate process monitored by a watchdog process will help to dramatically increase overall reliability. In case this process hangs, we simply kill the process without affecting the job. With an alternative architecture not featuring such isolation, VDDK code hang will cause they whole backup and restore “job” to hang just as the VMware KB article explains.
Additionally, Veeam sets extra timeouts on some critical VDDK calls to avoid possible deadlocks.
Conclusion :
In short, Veeam customers are immune to VDDK issues while Symantec customers need to go back and verify the recoverability all of their VMware VM backups, as per Symantec’s own tweet.
Ça fait mal.