Install unattended du vCenter 4.x All-in-One

Pour les besoins d’une maquette nous avons compilé un batch qui install en auto un vcenter + sql express et tous ses composants (vi client, update manager + plugin et converter + plugin) à partir d’une UNC :

start /wait \\server\share\VMware-VIMSetup-all-4.1.0-345042\vpx\VMware-vcserver.exe /q /s /w /L1033 /v" /qr DB_SERVER_TYPE=Bundled USERNAME=\"hypervisor\" COMPANYNAME=\"hypervisor\" LICENSEKEY=xxxxx-xxxxx-xxxxx-xxxxx-xxxxx FORMAT_DB=1 /L*v \"%TEMP%\vmvcsvr.log\""
start /wait \\server\share\VMware-VIMSetup-all-4.1.0-345042\vpx\VMware-viclient.exe /q /s /w /L1033 /v" /qr"
start /wait \\server\share\VMware-VIMSetup-all-4.1.0-345042\updateManager\VMware-UpdateManager.exe /L1033 /v" /qr VMUM_SERVER_SELECT=%computername% VC_SERVER_IP=%computername% VC_SERVER_ADMIN_USER=\"administrator\" VC_SERVER_ADMIN_PASSWORD=\"password\" VCI_DB_SERVER_TYPE=Bundled VCI_FORMAT_DB=1 /l*v %TEMP%\vumerver.log"
start /wait \\server\share\VMware-VIMSetup-all-4.1.0-345042\updateManager\VMware-UMClient.exe /q /s /w /L1033 /v" /qr"
##start /wait \\server\share\VMware-converter-all-4.3.0-292238\VMware-converter-all-4.3.0-292238.exe /s /v" /qn ADDLOCAL=ALL /l*v %TEMP%\vmconvservermsi.log"
start /wait \\server\share\VMware-VIMSetup-all-4.1.0-345042\converter\VMware-Converter.exe /q /s /w /L1033 /v" /qr  VC_SERVER_IP=%computername% VC_SERVER_ADMIN_USER=\"administrator\" VC_SERVER_ADMIN_PASSWORD=\"password\" /l*v %TEMP%\vmconserver.log"
start /wait \\server\share\VMware-VIMSetup-all-4.1.0-345042\converter\VMware-Converter-Client.exe /q /s /w /L1033 /v" /qr"
reg add HKLM\system\currentcontrolset\services\vpxd /v dependonservice /t REG_MULTI_SZ /d ProtectedStorage\0lanmanworkstation\0MSSQL$SQLEXP_VIM /f

Les chemins et informations diverses sont mettre à jour en fonction de la version du vCenter à installer (ces commandes sont compatibles 4.x à l’heure ou nous écrivons ce billet). La ligne commentée concerne la version standalone de converter et la dernière ligne rajoute une dépendance au service mssql sur le service vpxd.

Vous trouverez dans les documents de références VMware les différents paramètres des msi :

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4 Responses to “Install unattended du vCenter 4.x All-in-One”

  1. Very useful!

    Would you know the parameter used to set the location of where updates are downloaded. By default this is C: but what if someone want the downloads to be off the root of C: say on a D: drive?


  2. Mike, you mean change this path during install process ( ?

  3. Yes, in the end I found the variable by looking at the Admin PDF…Like this:

    E:\updateManager\VMware-UpdateManager.exe /L1033 /v” /qr WARNING_LEVEL=0 VMUM_DATA_DIR=\”D:\” VC_SERVER_ADMIN_USER=\”corp\administrator\” VC_SERVER_ADMIN_PASSWORD=\”Password1\” VCI_DB_SERVER_TYPE=Custom DB_DSN=\”VMware VUM\” DB_USERNAME=\”vumdbuser-nyc\” DB_PASSWORD=\”Password1\”

    The value I was looking for was the VMUM_DATA_DIR value…

  4. i just seen it too, thanks for the feedback :)

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