Snapshots are not backups
Posted by NiTRo | Filed under Kb, Tips & Tricks, VMware
Petite piqûre de rappel pour les irréductibles (via une belle kb VMware) :
- Snapshots are not backups
- The maximum supported amount in a chain is 32
- VMware recommends that you use only 2-3 snapshots in a chain
- Use no single snapshot for more than 24-72 hours
An excessive number of snapshots in a chain or snapshots large in size may cause decreased virtual machine and host performance.
Increasing the size of a disk with snapshots present can lead to corruption of the snapshots and potential data loss.
Tags: snapshot
February 12th, 2011 at 18:41
Je connais un client qui a des snapshot qui trainent depuis pas mal de temps dont un de plus de 260 jours et counting…
Heureusement le delta ne fait que 18GB
February 12th, 2011 at 19:04
moi j’ai déjà vu plus de 1100 jours
February 16th, 2011 at 11:47
66 Snapshots sur une VM
Pas de problèmes tant qu’on ne change pas l’esx de vCenter !!