vSphere 5.1 sans le webclient : DVS Health Check
Posted by NiTRo | Filed under Tips & Tricks, VMware
Autre fonctionnalité intéressante réservée au Web Client, DVS Health Check permet de remonter les erreurs de config de VLAN, MTU et teaming policy. Voici comment activer le “VlanMtuHealthCheck” et le “TeamingHealthCheck” en PowerCLI sur tous vos DVS où l’un des 2 checks ne serait pas actif :
Get-View -ViewType DistributedVirtualSwitch|?{($_.config.HealthCheckConfig|?{$_.enable -notmatch "true"})}|%{$_.UpdateDVSHealthCheckConfig(@((new-object Vmware.Vim.VMwareDVSVlanMtuHealthCheckConfig -property @{enable=1;interval="1"}),(new-object Vmware.Vim.VMwareDVSTeamingHealthCheckConfig -property @{enable=1;interval="1"})))}
Pour les admins qui aiment bien “aller voir si tout va bien ou pas”, il n’y a que le Web Client :
Et pour les autres, il y a les alarmes (par défaut) :
Bonus, vous pouvez changer l’intervalle par défaut (en minutes). Impossible en GUI
October 5th, 2012 at 6:12
Nice post.
Like minds think alike
We showed the same trick during our VMworld US session.
October 6th, 2012 at 0:43
Thanks Luc, maybe one day we could have a oneliner contest at vmworld
December 6th, 2012 at 19:39
[...] If you are interested in a PowerCLI solution, Raphael Schitz (famous for his one-liners) has also created a simple PowerCLI one-liner to modify the health check configurations and you can find more details on his blog here. [...]
December 6th, 2012 at 20:59
[...] If you are interested in a PowerCLI solution, Raphael Schitz (famous for his one-liners) has also created a simple PowerCLI one-liner to modify the health check configurations and you can find more details on his blog here. [...]
December 9th, 2012 at 19:18
[...] If you are interested in a PowerCLI solution, Raphael Schitz (famous for his one-liners) has also created a simple PowerCLI one-liner to modify the health check configurations and you can find more details on his blog here. [...]
November 7th, 2014 at 11:27
[...] Acknowledgement: This sample PowerCLI script was originally found on http://www.hypervisor.fr/?p=4229 [...]