VeeaM legacy VBK naming convention
Posted by NiTRo | Filed under Tips & Tricks, VMware
Lors d’une des montées de version de veeam backup (v4 > v5 à vue de nez), la convention de nomage des fichiers vbk a changé du mode <nom du job>.vbk à <nom du job>yyyy-MM-ddThhmmss.vbk, ce qui ne manque pas de poser certains problèmes à ceux qui veulent faire du rsync. Car le nom de l’archive principale changeant à chaque job, rsync resynchronise à chaque fois la totalité des fichiers.
Il a bien été question d’utiliser le mode fuzzy de rsync mais la solution idéale vient du support de veeam et c’est avec leur accord que nous publions le workaround :
Please note this is not officially supported by Veeam so use at your own risk and make sure to backup your registry.
Here is the registry change that needs to be done:
1. HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\VeeaM\Veeam Backup and Replication
2. Create DWORD = DisableVBKRename
3. Set Value = 1
4. Restart Veeam Backup ServerYou will also need or newer installed.
A few things to note:
There is an issue where having DisableVBKRename dword in place will only work for new jobs or jobs you do “Delete from disk”/”Remove from backups” to remove the historical data from our DB. If you do Delete from disk/Remove from backups in the backups pane on the left and then do “Perform Full” on the job, it will append the timestamp again. If you do Delete from disk/Remove from backups and then just do Right Click -> Start job, it will name it correctly without the time stamp.
You can make it use the new naming style by going into Backups and doing “Remove from backups” to remove historical data and then on the next scheduled job run or doing Right Click -> Start Job, it will start using the new naming convention. The issue is that if you ever do “Perform Full Backup” at any time, it will use the 5.x style naming and append a timestamp, rather than following the old 4.x style, even with the registry key in.
NOTE: As of (and newer), this fix will not break should you attempt a new full backup — in fact, all you need to do is perform a full after rebooting the Veeam server, and the naming scheme will take effect.
Nous avons pu constater qu’un simple redémarrage du service veeam backup suffisait à rendre la modification effective.
Tags: veeam