Customizer le Welcome Screen d’ESXi

En fouillant des les Advanced Settings, une option attiré notre curiosité : “Annotations.WelcomeMessage”. Elle permet de remplacer la traditionnelle page d’accueil de la DCUI d’ESXi par le message de votre choix :


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5 Responses to “Customizer le Welcome Screen d’ESXi”

  1. On request a translation, hope you don’t mind.
    Goes to show you have an international audience ;-)

    “While we were browsing through the Advanced Settings, one option drew our attention: “Annotations.WelcomeMessage”.
    This options allows you to replace the standard welcome page on the ESXi console by a message of your choice :”

  2. Thanks buddy :)

  3. Trop cool… On met ce qu’on veut…

    Par exemple company website, quand on installe ça chez le client… -:)

  4. I’ve just taken a look at your page here and noticed that your header place at the upper area is just a blue box. Is it supposed to look like that? Good article by the way.

  5. What do you mean by “blue box” ?

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